Support Designed for Sales Enablement
Levels of Support Designed For Sales Enablement

Get personalized and customized expertise from The Creator of The HERO Method to bring in more clients
3-Day VIP Consulting ―
a better and faster way to Get. More. Done!
For 3 full days, Kathryn Gillett, the Creator of The HERO Method, will roll up her sleeves and work one-on-one with you to create Magnetic Messaging and Compelling Content that will attract more clients to your business.
Kathryn will sit beside you ― either virtually or literally ― doing the work with you.
Together, you’ll leverage her 30+ years of experience to figure out your best plan of action … and to help you create content that will give your business the Biggest Bang for the Buck.
During your time together with Kathryn, you can tackle anything that’s on your Marketing To Do List — whether it’s to start a project from scratch or improve what you’ve already got.
Here are just a few ideas of what you can come away with….
- Magnetic Messaging that attracts and converts
- Your one-of-a-kind story arc that tells your story in 1-2 sentences
- Compelling content and sales tools:
- Website Content that engages and inspires visitors to lean in and want to learn more
- An email sequence that nurtures your valuable prospects through their decision journey
- Social Media/Blog plan and series that supports your brand and expertise
- Networking plan and tools that make you stand out from the crowd
- Speeches / Presentations / Demos / Webinars that get WOW!s from your audience every time
Content Recuperation
Gain concrete, actionable tips to modify your existing content ― and measurably increase your response and revenue.
Kathryn will leverage the alchemy of brain science and storytelling to …
- Quickly modify your existing content
- Give you specific tips and techniques that your team can easily put into action
In short order, your revised content will be using techniques that have proven to measurably increase response and revenue.
Contact Kathryn directly to talk about the content you might like to revise … and how she and The HERO Method can help you improve the results you’re getting.
Individualized, Customized Consulting
Kathryn Gillett is a recognized expert in messaging, story, and content strategies. In fact, she’s been called, “The Queen of Compelling Content.”
Contact her directly to talk about your unique needs and how she and The HERO Method can help you improve the results you’re getting from your content.