About The HERO Method

About The HERO Method

The HERO Method uses the alchemy of brain science and the hidden powers of story to create compelling messaging and content that has proven to measurably increase response, engagement, and revenue.

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These measurable results come not from selling harder, but from creating Compelling Content that builds authentic, trusting, human-to-human connections between businesses and their audiences.

Yes, we’re talking about ethical, authentic marketing that WORKS!

When you create content based on The HERO Method, your content will attract ideal prospects. Then, as you continue to engage those prospects in this authentic way, they will find themselves naturally drawn toward you and your solutions.

Businesses that use The HERO Method clearly stand out from the competition. That’s because they’re the ones in the marketplace who are connecting with their audience about real issues and real value in this authentic, human way.

Within the company, all the folks involved in marketing and sales can clearly articulate the company’s mission, vision, and value. They feel invigorated about how they do their jobs … because what they do feels truly decent and authentic and they relish the meaningful relationships they create with their audience and business partners.

Our Mission…

This is how The HERO Method helps make our client’s world a better place:

We help our clients increase response and revenue through messaging and content that creates trusting, human connections with their audience and partners.

We help every client create content that helps them stand out from the competition with unique messaging that reflects the true value they deliver to their audience.

This unique messaging also helps everyone at their company connect to the deeper values they hold about what they do.

With this enlightened perspective, the entire company feels connected to an inspiring vision … invigorated about how they help make each customer’s world a better place … and can talk about it all in an authentic ― and consistent ― way.

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Customized Services For...

Is your team mostly made up of “me, myself, and I”?

Are you wanting … or needing to grow your business?

Then …

Have you worked hard to grow your business, but you’ve gotten stuck trying to take it to the next level?


Are you tasked with getting the most out of your sales team?

Do you need to measurably increase response and revenue?


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Kathryn Gillett, Creator of The HERO Method?